
This district saw the birth of the fado, a superb musical genre. This Alfama district saw humble people's arts, and also saw them becoming famous. Place of humbleness, and of simplicity, yet or arts and beauty. If you go to Lisbon, don't miss it!
Este barrio vio el nacer del fado, ese estupendo género musical. Este barrio de Alfama vio el arte de gente humilde, y también les vio hacerse famosos. Lugar de humildad, y de simplicidad, y aún de arte y belleza. Si vas a Lisboa, no te lo pierdas.
What do we look for, when we ask for a simple coffee? For some, the taste. Others, need it to run more and faster. Others, for pure pleasure. Yet others, that nice increase of consciousness. And as well, ... that nice company. That one, called friendship.
What do we look for, when we ask for a simple coffee? For some, the taste. Others, need it to run more and faster. Others, for pure pleasure. Yet others, that nice increase of consciousness. And as well, ... that nice company. That one, called friendship.
¿Qué buscamos, cuando pedimos un simple café? Para unos, el sabor. Para otros, lo necesitan para correr más y más rápido. Para otros, es un puro placer. Aún para otros, es ese agradable aumento de consciencia. Y también, ... esa bonita compañía. Esa, llamada amistad.
Full of life are the streets of this nice city. Even though it seems that there's traffic, I always saw such a great education from drivers! I think it contributes, or it is as well, part of that special charm in the city.
Llenas de vida están las calles de esta bonita ciudad. Aunque parezca que hay tráfico, siempre note ¡tan buena educación en los conductores! Creo que contribuye, o es también parte de ese encanto especial de la ciudad.
These streets have a charm on their own. I spent the evening walking through them. It may not seem so, but I felt silence, a lot of calm, and a feeling, as if life just flows.
Estas calles tienen un encanto especial por sí mismas. Estuve la tarde andando por ellas. Pudiera no parecerlo, pero sentí silencio, mucha calma, ... y un sentimiento, como que la vida simplemente fluye.

It was a time, when the unexpected became the wish for many. The unknown turned to inspire such curiosity and to learn from it. To know our world, and discover what is in the unknown. Challenges will always make brave people.
Fue un tiempo en el que lo inesperado se convirtió en el deseo de muchos. Lo desconocido pasó a inspirar gran curiosidad y aprender de ello. Conocer nuestro mundo, y descubrir qué hay en lo desconocido. Los retos siempre harán gente valiente.
I already miss this city! ... even though I only was there for about 6 days. Could it be the "saudades" that Portuguese people have when they leave their homeland? Could it be the fado, present in every street?
I already miss this city! ... even though I only was there for about 6 days. Could it be the "saudades" that Portuguese people have when they leave their homeland? Could it be the fado, present in every street?
¡Ya echo de menos esta ciudad! ... incluso cuando sólo estuve ahí por 6 días. ¿Serán las "saudades" que sienten los portugueses cuando dejan su tierra? ¿Será el fado, presente en cada calle de la ciudad?
I was climbing the stairs, seeming not to have an end. And I come to this place, to this corner. What hold me there wasn't the calm of this place, or the beauty of the tiles, or even the pleasant shade of the tree. It was the feeling of peace, that more seemed to calm the soul, than even the tired body.
I was climbing the stairs, seeming not to have an end. And I come to this place, to this corner. What hold me there wasn't the calm of this place, or the beauty of the tiles, or even the pleasant shade of the tree. It was the feeling of peace, that more seemed to calm the soul, than even the tired body.
Subía por las largas escaleras, sin encontrar fin. Y fue llegar aquí, a este rincón, y lo que me detuvo no fue la tranquilidad del lugar, ni la belleza de los azulejos, ni la agradable sombra del árbol. Fue la sensación de paz, que más parecía calmar el alma que el cuerpo cansado.
I will always admire people who with few things can create beauty. In this case it's with concrete, steel and glass, creating this shopping mall, 'Vasco de Gama'.
I will always admire people who with few things can create beauty. In this case it's with concrete, steel and glass, creating this shopping mall, 'Vasco de Gama'.
Siempre admiraré esa gente que con pocas cosas consiguen crear belleza. En este caso es con hormigón, acero y vidrio, creando este centro comercial 'Vasco de Gama'.
It was one of the last days I spent in this beautiful city. Every time I passed near this fountain, I couldn't stop looking at it. It always had a special charm for me. Beauty, melancholy, majesty, silence ...
It was one of the last days I spent in this beautiful city. Every time I passed near this fountain, I couldn't stop looking at it. It always had a special charm for me. Beauty, melancholy, majesty, silence ...
Fue uno de los últimos días que estuve en esta preciosa ciudad. Cada vez que pasaba cerca de esta fuente, no podía parar de mirarla. Siempre le vi un encanto especial. Belleza, melancolía, majestuosidad, silencio.
wherever you go and wherever you are,
wherever you go and wherever you are,
... and light will follow you! And even more when you come out of the metro to the historical part of a nice city, such
... as Lisbon.
vayas donde vayas y estés donde estés,
... y la luz te seguirá.Y más aún si sales del metro al centro histórico de una bonita ciudad,
... como Lisboa.
It is only in some occasions, when it is worth to look back, to our past, to our path already trodden. Without doubts, it is for wonderful people, and as well for Lisbon.
It is only in some occasions, when it is worth to look back, to our past, to our path already trodden. Without doubts, it is for wonderful people, and as well for Lisbon.
Es tan sólo en algunas ocasiones, cuando merece la pena mirar atrás, a nuestro pasado, a nuestro camino ya caminado. Sin duda, se hace por gente estupenda, y también por Lisboa.
One of the things that most caught my attention of Lisbon, is its feeling of timeless. Everywhere, at each corner. Everything. It seems as if time doesn't run affect this city. This tram was no exception. I'm sure there is an echo of this in their souls.
One of the things that most caught my attention of Lisbon, is its feeling of timeless. Everywhere, at each corner. Everything. It seems as if time doesn't run affect this city. This tram was no exception. I'm sure there is an echo of this in their souls.
Una de las cosas que más llamó mi atención en Lisboa, fue la sensación de atemporalidad. En todas partes, en cada esquina. Todo. Parece como si el tiempo no afectara a esta ciudad. Este tranvía no fue ninguna excepción. Estoy seguro de que hay un eco de esto en sus almas.
Lisbon is not a noisy city. But, it may give that impression when one enters this place, these ruins of the Carmo Convent. Suddenly silence is created. What you only hear is one or two birds flying around. All else disappears. And this silence gets inside while walking along the nave.Even in ruins, one gets peace out of it.
Lisbon is not a noisy city. But, it may give that impression when one enters this place, these ruins of the Carmo Convent. Suddenly silence is created. What you only hear is one or two birds flying around. All else disappears. And this silence gets inside while walking along the nave.Even in ruins, one gets peace out of it.
Lisboa no es una ciudad ruidosa. Pero, podría dar esa impresión cuando uno entra en este sitio, estas ruinas del Convento do Carmo. De repente se crea el silencio. Lo único que se llega a oir es uno o dos pájaros volando alrededor. Todo lo demás desaparece. Y este silencio traspasa al interior al caminar por su nave.Aún en ruinas, uno sale de aquí con paz.
So what is hope? We all wish things to become better, for so many of us, being all sometimes so different. Maybe, can it be the wish that we can fill our imperfections, with our better things? Within our hope is that we find this Peace. This concrete Peace that can take us to our own freedom.Not only hope is the last thing to lose, ... it must never be lost.
So what is hope? We all wish things to become better, for so many of us, being all sometimes so different. Maybe, can it be the wish that we can fill our imperfections, with our better things? Within our hope is that we find this Peace. This concrete Peace that can take us to our own freedom.Not only hope is the last thing to lose, ... it must never be lost.
¿Y qué es la esperanza? Todos deseamos que las cosas mejoren para tantos, siendo a veces tan diferentes. ¿Puede ser, quiza, el deseo de llenar nuestras imperfeccioens con nuestras mejores cosas? En la esperanza está el encontrar esta Paz. Esta Paz concreta que nos pueda llevar a nuestra libertad.No sólo la esperanza es lo último que se pierde, ... nunca se debe perder.
Those were days of calm, in which I enjoyed knowing and speaking to people of Lisbon. I don't know how many times I walked through the same square, ... as it gave me that feeling of calm, and melancholy. I miss Lisbon.
Aquellos fueron días de calma, en los que disfruté conociendo y hablando con gente de Lisboa. No sé cuántas veces pasé por la misma plaza, ... pues me daba esa sensación de calma, y de me lancolía. Echo de menos Lisboa.
In a nice moment, we looked at each other, as in mutual understanding. He enjoyed his music, and so I did with this photograph ...
In a nice moment, we looked at each other, as in mutual understanding. He enjoyed his music, and so I did with this photograph ...
Lisbon, singing to life.
En un buen momento, nos miramos, como en entendimiento mutuo. El disfrutaba con sus música, y yo con esta foto...
Lisboa, cantando a la vida.
1 comentário:
Pois... bonecos bonitos... é verdade mas! eu só falo português.
Fiquei completamente 'no escuro'.
Sempre pensei qu'isto fosse um blog 'de Lisboa'.
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